17  Tutorial - Simulate IMU

In the last tutorial, we understood the data structure of IMU messages and how to visualize the data using a web application. In this tutorial, we will simulate IMU data for our vessel.

After completing this tutorial, you will be able to:

17.1 Getting Started

We will be using the same repository as the previous tutorial. Once the previous tutorial deadline is over, your instructor will update the upstream repository with the necessary files for this tutorial and raise a pull request on your team repository. You will need to pull in the changes from the upstream repository to your team repository to start this tutorial. The instructions to pull in the changes are given in Appendix B.

After you complete the steps shown in Appendix B to synchronize your repository with the upstream repository, navigate to the root directory of your repository. Pull the latest changes made to your team repository onto your local machine.

cd <your-repository-name>
git pull origin main

The relevant folder structure of the repository for this tutorial is shown below.

├── ros2_ws/
│   ├── src/
│   │   ├── student/
│   │   │   ├── tut_02/
│   │   │   ├── tut_03/
│   │   │   ├── tut_04/
│   │   │   ├── tut_05/
│   │   │   └── tut_06/
│   │   │       └── Tutorial_06.md
├── README.md
├── ros2_run_devdocker.sh
├── ros2_run_devdocker.bat

Start your own branch from the main branch.

git checkout -b <your-name>

All your group members can work independently on their own branches. However, you will have to merge your branches back to the main branch before the end of the tutorial. We learnt how to do this in Chapter 13 using pull requests.

First start docker desktop and then follow the instructions below to run the course docker container. Make sure to navigate in the terminal to the root folder of your repository.

For Windows:


For Ubuntu (or MacOS):


Source the ROS 2 environment by running the following command:


Notice that this is an alias for sourcing your ROS 2 workspace as well as the ROS 2 installation in the docker container. Remember that every time you perform a colcon build on your workspace, you need to source the ROS 2 environment again with the command above.

17.2 Create a new ROS2 package

Create a new ROS2 package inside /workspaces/mavlab/ros2_ws/src/student/tut_06

cd /workspaces/mavlab/ros2_ws/src/student/tut_06
ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_python mav_imu_simulator --dependencies rclpy std_msgs nav_msgs sensor_msgs geometry_msgs --license MIT

17.3 Create a new node

Create a new node inside /workspaces/mavlab/ros2_ws/src/student/tut_06/mav_imu_simulator/mav_imu_simulator/

cd /workspaces/mavlab/ros2_ws/src/student/tut_06/mav_imu_simulator/mav_imu_simulator
touch mav_imu_simulator.py

Copy the following code into the mav_imu_simulator.py file:

import rclpy
from rclpy.node import Node
from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry
from sensor_msgs.msg import Imu
import numpy as np

import sys

from ros2_ws.src.student.tut_03.read_input import read_input
from ros2_ws.src.student.tut_03.class_vessel import Vessel
from ros2_ws.src.student.tut_03.module_kinematics import eul_to_quat, eul_to_rotm, quat_to_eul, rotm_to_eul

class MavImuSimulator(Node):
    def __init__(self):

        # Read vessel parameters and create vessel instance
        vessel_params, hydrodynamic_data = read_input()
        self.vessel = Vessel(vessel_params, hydrodynamic_data)
        self.g = vessel_params['g']
        # Find IMU sensors and create publishers
        self.imu_sensors = []
        self.imu_publishers = []
        self.imu_timers = []

        self.vessel_state = np.zeros(13)
        count = 0
        for sensor in vessel_params['sensors']:
            if sensor['sensor_type'] == 'IMU':                
                    'id': count,
                    'position': np.array(sensor['sensor_location']),
                    'orientation': np.array(sensor['sensor_orientation']),
                    'topic': sensor['topic'],
                    'rate': sensor['rate'],
                    'orientation_covariance': np.array(sensor['noise'][0]['orientation_covariance']),
                    'angular_velocity_covariance': np.array(sensor['noise'][2]['angular_velocity_covariance']),
                    'linear_acceleration_covariance': np.array(sensor['noise'][1]['linear_acceleration_covariance'])
                # Create publisher for this IMU
                    self.create_publisher(Imu, self.imu_sensors[count]['topic'], 10)
                # Create timer for this IMU
                        lambda i=count: self.publish_imu_messages(i)
                count += 1
        # Subscribe to odometry
        self.subscription = self.create_subscription(

    def compute_imu_orientation(self, 
        Compute IMU orientation quaternion

            vessel_state: 13x1 vessel state vector
            sensor_position: 3x1 sensor position vector
            sensor_orientation: 3x1 sensor orientation vector
            eul_flag: boolean flag to indicate if the orientation is in Euler angles

            quat_eul: 4x1 quaternion vector if eul_flag is False, otherwise 3x1 Euler angles

        # Extract BCS orientation (assuming ZYX Euler angles) wrt GCS frame
        Theta_gb = vessel_state[9:12]        
        # Sensor frame position and orientation with respect to BCS (assuming ZYX Euler angles)
        r_bs = sensor_position
        Theta_bs = sensor_orientation

        # Sensor frame orientation wrt GCS frame (assuming ZYX Euler angles) - Reported by sensor
        sensor_reported_orientation = np.zeros(3)

        # TODO: Calculate orientation (in Euler angles) reported by sensor 
        # in sensor frame

        # Write your code here


        if not eul_flag:
            # Convert orientation to quaternion
            quat_eul = eul_to_quat(sensor_reported_orientation)
            quat_eul = sensor_reported_orientation
        return quat_eul

    def compute_imu_angular_velocity(self, 
        Compute IMU angular velocity

            vessel_state: 13x1 vessel state vector
            sensor_position: 3x1 sensor position vector
            sensor_orientation: 3x1 sensor orientation vector

            omega_s: 3x1 angular velocity vector in sensor frame
        # Extract vessel angular velocity in body frame
        omega_b = vessel_state[3:6]

        # Sensor position and orientation with respect to BCS
        r_bs = sensor_position
        Theta_bs = sensor_orientation

        # Compute angular velocity in sensor frame
        omega_s = np.zeros(3)

        # TODO: Calculate angular velocity in sensor frame

        # Write your code here

        return omega_s

    def compute_imu_linear_acceleration(self, 
        Compute IMU linear acceleration including centripetal effects

            vessel_state: 13x1 vessel state vector
            sensor_position: 3x1 sensor position vector
            sensor_orientation: 3x1 sensor orientation vector

            a_s: 3x1 linear acceleration vector in sensor frame
        # Extract vessel linear and angular velocities
        v = vessel_state[0:3]
        omega = vessel_state[3:6]
        eul = vessel_state[9:12]

        # Sensor position and orientation with respect to BCS
        r_bs = sensor_position
        Theta_bs = sensor_orientation

        imu_eul = self.compute_imu_orientation(vessel_state, sensor_position, sensor_orientation, eul_flag=True)

        a_s = np.zeros(3)

        # TODO: Calculate linear acceleration in sensor frame

        # Write your code here


        # Add gravity component to the linear acceleration
        gravity = np.array([0, 0, -self.g])
        gravity_s = eul_to_rotm(imu_eul) @ gravity

        a_s = a_s + gravity_s
        return a_s

    def odom_callback(self, msg):
        """Handle incoming odometry messages"""
        # Extract state from odometry message
        self.vessel_state = np.zeros(13)
        self.vessel_state[0:3] = [msg.twist.twist.linear.x, 
        self.vessel_state[3:6] = [msg.twist.twist.angular.x,
        self.vessel_state[6:9] = [msg.pose.pose.position.x,
        # Extract Euler angles from quaternion
        self.vessel_state[9:12] = quat_to_eul([msg.pose.pose.orientation.w,
    def publish_imu_messages(self, i):
        """Publish IMU messages"""

        sensor = self.imu_sensors[i]

        # Update each IMU        
        imu_msg = Imu()
        imu_msg.header.stamp = self.get_clock().now().to_msg()
        imu_msg.header.frame_id = f'imu_{i:02d}'
        # Compute IMU measurements
        orientation = self.compute_imu_orientation(
            self.vessel_state, sensor['position'], sensor['orientation'])
        angular_velocity = self.compute_imu_angular_velocity(
            self.vessel_state, sensor['position'], sensor['orientation'])
        linear_acceleration = self.compute_imu_linear_acceleration(
            self.vessel_state, sensor['position'], sensor['orientation'])
        # Populate IMU message
        imu_msg.orientation.w = orientation[0]
        imu_msg.orientation.x = orientation[1]
        imu_msg.orientation.y = orientation[2]
        imu_msg.orientation.z = orientation[3]
        imu_msg.angular_velocity.x = angular_velocity[0]
        imu_msg.angular_velocity.y = angular_velocity[1]
        imu_msg.angular_velocity.z = angular_velocity[2]
        imu_msg.linear_acceleration.x = linear_acceleration[0]
        imu_msg.linear_acceleration.y = linear_acceleration[1]
        imu_msg.linear_acceleration.z = linear_acceleration[2]
        # Set covariances from input file
        imu_msg.orientation_covariance = sensor['orientation_covariance'].flatten()
        imu_msg.angular_velocity_covariance = sensor['angular_velocity_covariance'].flatten()
        imu_msg.linear_acceleration_covariance = sensor['linear_acceleration_covariance'].flatten()
        # Publish IMU message

def main(args=None):
    node = MavImuSimulator()

if __name__ == '__main__':

Let’s break down the code in the mav_imu_simulator.py file. This node subscribes to the odometry data from the vessel simulator and publishes the IMU data to the /imu/data topic. The odometry data provides the position, orientation, linear velocity and angular velocity of the vessel. The position and orientation of the IMU sensor need not necessarily coincide with the origin of the BCS. Similarly the sensor also need not be oriented with its frame of reference parallel to the BCS. Therefore, the measurements of the IMU need to be computed based on the position and orientation of the IMU sensor with respect to the BCS.

If you observe, the input file (originally created in Chapter 14) located in tut_03 folder has been modified in this tutorial to include the IMU sensor parameters. The sensors list in the input file now contains the parameters for the different sensors that the vessel is equipped with. In this tutorial we are only interested in the IMU sensor. The sensors list in the input file now contains the following additional lines:

    sensor_type: IMU
    sensor_location: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    sensor_orientation: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    topic: /imu/data
    rate: 100
      - orientation_covariance: [[ 4.97116638e-07,  1.92100383e-07, -5.37921803e-06], [ 1.92100383e-07,  4.19220441e-07, -2.48717925e-06], [-5.37921803e-06, -2.48717925e-06,  1.15176790e-04]]
      - linear_acceleration_covariance: [[ 0.01973958, -0.01976063,  0.02346221], [-0.01976063,  0.0211394,  -0.02188356], [ 0.02346221, -0.02188356,  0.03132967]]
      - angular_velocity_covariance: [[ 5.28022053e-05,  4.08840955e-05, -1.15368805e-05], [ 4.08840955e-05,  3.58062060e-05, -8.83069166e-06], [-1.15368805e-05, -8.83069166e-06,  5.01080310e-06]]
    sensor_type: UWB
    sensor_location: [0.29, 0.0, 0.07]
    sensor_orientation: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    topic: /makara_00/uwb_00
    rate: 1
      - position_covariance: [[ 0.04533883, -0.05014115,  0.        ], [-0.05014115,  0.05869406,  0.        ], [ 0.,          0.,          0.00000001]]

These lines describe the sensor parameters for the IMU and the UWB sensor.

17.3.1 Implementation Tasks

There are three tasks to complete in this tutorial. In each of these tasks, the vessel state vector is assumed to be \(13 \times 1\) vector as defined in Chapter 14. The first three elements denote the components of the linear velocity of the vessel in the BCS. The next three elements denote the components of the angular velocity of the vessel in the BCS. The next three elements denote the position of the vessel in the GCS. The next three elements denote the Euler angles of the vessel in the GCS. The last element denotes the actual rudder angle.

In addition to the state vector, the functions also take the sensor position and orientation as input. The sensor position is a \(3 \times 1\) vector denoting the position of the sensor in the BCS. The sensor orientation is a \(3 \times 1\) vector denoting the orientation of the sensor with respect to BCS.

Task 1: Complete the compute_imu_orientation function

Location: mav_imu_simulator.py, compute_imu_orientation() function

Description: The compute_imu_orientation function computes the orientation that the IMU sensor reports.


  • vessel_state: 13x1 vessel state vector
  • sensor_position: 3x1 sensor position vector
  • sensor_orientation: 3x1 sensor orientation vector
  • eul_flag: boolean flag to indicate if the orientation is to be returned in Euler angles or quaternion form


  • quat_eul: 4x1 quaternion vector if eul_flag is False, otherwise 3x1 Euler angles

The code to convert the Euler angles to quaternion is already programmed for you. You only need to compute the euler angles that will be reported by the IMU sensor.

Hint: The orientation reported by the IMU will be composition of the rotations from the GCS to the BCS and from the BCS to the sensor frame.

Task 2: Complete the compute_imu_angular_velocity function

Location: mav_imu_simulator.py, compute_imu_angular_velocity() function

Description: The compute_imu_angular_velocity function computes the angular velocity that the IMU sensor reports.


  • vessel_state: 13x1 vessel state vector
  • sensor_position: 3x1 sensor position vector
  • sensor_orientation: 3x1 sensor orientation vector


  • omega_s: 3x1 angular velocity vector in sensor frame

Hint: Angular velocity vector itself does not change when expressed in different frames of reference. The angular velocity in the sensor frame is the same vector as the angular velocity of the vessel in the BCS. However, the sensor frame need not be aligned with the BCS and this will result in different components of the angular velocity vector in the sensor frame as compared to the BCS.

Task 3: Complete the compute_imu_linear_acceleration function

Location: mav_imu_simulator.py, compute_imu_linear_acceleration() function

Description: The compute_imu_linear_acceleration function computes the linear acceleration that the IMU sensor reports.


  • vessel_state: 13x1 vessel state vector
  • sensor_position: 3x1 sensor position vector
  • sensor_orientation: 3x1 sensor orientation vector


  • a_s: 3x1 linear acceleration vector in sensor frame

The acceleration due to gravity is given by \(g = 9.80665\) m/s\(^2\).

Hint: The computation of the linear acceleration in the sensor frame is NOT trivial. You need to derive the expression in terms of the vessel state vector and the sensor position and orientation. Remember that acceleration is the rate of change of velocity only in an inertial frame of reference! The ODE defining the dynamics of your vessel only provides the derivative of the linear and angular velocities and not linear and angular accelerations.

17.4 Create a launch file

Create a launch file inside /workspaces/mavlab/ros2_ws/src/student/tut_06/mav_imu_simulator/mav_imu_simulator/launch

cd /workspaces/mavlab/ros2_ws/src/student/tut_06/mav_imu_simulator/
mkdir launch
cd launch
touch mav_imu_simulator_launch.py

Copy the following code into the mav_imu_simulator_launch.py file:

from launch import LaunchDescription
from launch_ros.actions import Node
from launch.actions import ExecuteProcess
from launch.substitutions import PathJoinSubstitution
from launch_ros.substitutions import FindPackageShare
from launch.actions import IncludeLaunchDescription
from launch.launch_description_sources import AnyLaunchDescriptionSource

def generate_launch_description():
    # Path to the rosbridge launch file
    rosbridge_launch = PathJoinSubstitution([

    # Path to the built web directory
    web_build_dir = PathJoinSubstitution([

    return LaunchDescription([
        # Start the HTTP server to serve web files
            cmd=['python3', '-m', 'http.server', '8000', '--directory', web_build_dir],

Let’s break down the code in the launch file. This launch file is similar to the launch file in the previous tutorial. However, in this launch file, we are starting the mav_simulate and mav_control nodes using the package we built in Chapter 15. This will start the vessel simulator and the controller. The simulator will publish the odometry data to the /mav_odom topic. The controller will subscribe to the odometry data and publish the control commands to the /mav_rudder_command topic. In addition to this, the launch file also starts a ROS bridge server and a HTTP server to serve the web files for the web application developed in Chapter 16. The ROS bridge server will be used to communicate the data being published on the topic /imu/data to the web application. Finally, the launch file starts the mav_imu_simulator node which will subscribe to the odometry data from the simulator and publish the IMU data to the /imu/data topic. Unlike in the last tutorial where we visualized the IMU data from a ros bag file, in this tutorial we will visualize the IMU data from the IMU simulator we develop in this tutorial.

In order for the launch file to work, we need to make sure that the setup.py file for the mav_imu_simulator package is updated. Navigate to the setup.py file:

cd /workspaces/mavlab/ros2_ws/src/student/tut_06/mav_imu_simulator

Overwrite the setup.py file with the following code:

from setuptools import find_packages, setup
import os
from glob import glob

package_name = 'mav_imu_simulator'

            ['resource/' + package_name]),
        ('share/' + package_name, ['package.xml']),
        (os.path.join('share', package_name, 'launch'), glob('launch/*.py')),
    maintainer='Abhilash Somayajula',
    description='MAV Lab - IMU simulator for ROS 2',
        'console_scripts': [
            'mav_imu_simulator = mav_imu_simulator.mav_imu_simulator:main',

17.5 Build the package

Build the package by running the following command:

cd /workspaces/mavlab/ros2_ws
colcon build

17.6 Launch the IMU simulator

Run the node by running the following command:

ros2 launch mav_imu_simulator mav_imu_simulator_launch.py

You should see an output similar to the following:

[INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/mavlab/.ros/log/2025-02-22-11-57-32-677973-iit-m-490
[INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO
[INFO] [http_server-1]: process started with pid [491]
[INFO] [mav_simulate-2]: process started with pid [493]
[INFO] [mav_control-3]: process started with pid [495]
[INFO] [mav_imu_simulator-4]: process started with pid [497]
[INFO] [rosbridge_websocket-5]: process started with pid [499]
[INFO] [rosapi_node-6]: process started with pid [501]
[rosbridge_websocket-5] [INFO] [1740225453.504476880] [rosbridge_websocket]: Rosbridge WebSocket server started on port 9090
[mav_control-3] [INFO] [1740225453.509661554] [mav_control]: MAV Controller initialized
[mav_control-3] [INFO] [1740225453.762915500] [mav_control]: 
[mav_control-3] Time: 0.28s
[mav_control-3] Rudder Command: 5.00 deg
[mav_simulate-2] [INFO] [1740225453.798229386] [mav_simulate]: 
[mav_simulate-2] Time: 0.10s
[mav_simulate-2] Position (x,y,z): [0.05, 0.00, 0.00]
[mav_simulate-2] Euler angles (phi,theta,psi): [0.00, 0.00, 0.00]
[mav_simulate-2] Velocity (u,v,w): [0.50, 0.00, 0.00]
[mav_simulate-2] Angular velocity (p,q,r): [0.00, 0.00, 0.00]
[mav_simulate-2] Rudder Command: 0.00 deg
[mav_simulate-2] [INFO] [1740225453.861802078] [mav_simulate]: 
[mav_simulate-2] Time: 0.20s
[mav_simulate-2] Position (x,y,z): [0.10, 0.00, 0.00]
[mav_simulate-2] Euler angles (phi,theta,psi): [0.00, 0.00, -0.01]
[mav_simulate-2] Velocity (u,v,w): [0.50, 0.00, 0.00]
[mav_simulate-2] Angular velocity (p,q,r): [0.00, 0.00, -0.00]
[mav_simulate-2] Rudder Command: 3.16 deg
[mav_control-3] [INFO] [1740225453.862796753] [mav_control]: 
[mav_control-3] Time: 0.37s
[mav_control-3] Rudder Command: 5.00 deg

You can access the web application by opening the following URL in your web browser:


You should see a plot of the IMU data as shown in Figure 17.1.

Figure 17.1: IMU simulator

Since the switching rudder command is applied, you should see the turn rate \(r\) of the vessel switch between \(-0.15\) rad/s and \(0.15\) rad/s. When the turn rate is positive the yaw angle \(\psi\) should increase and when the turn rate is negative the yaw angle should decrease. You should also see that acceleration in the \(z\) is close to the acceleration due to gravity.

17.7 Evaluation

The evaluation of the tutorial will be performed in the classroom. Notice that this is a group activity. You will be working in a group of 4 students. The evaluation will be performed on the group level. In order to pass the tutorial, the group must pass all the tests in the GitHub Actions workflow and also be able to answer all the questions during the evaluation in the classroom. Those who are not present in the classroom on the day of evaluation will not be able to participate in the evaluation and will automatically fail the tutorial.

While one of the objectives of these tutorials is to give you hands on experience with coding and practical implementation, the more important goal is to help you relate what you are doing in your tutorials to the underlying concepts discussed in the class. Therefore, while you are working on the implementation tasks, make sure you are also thinking about the underlying concepts and how they are being applied in the code.

Some questions to think about while you are working on the implementation tasks:

  • What is the difference between the orientation reported by the IMU and the orientation of the vessel in the vessel state vector? How do we derive the former from the latter?
  • What is the difference between the angular velocity reported by the IMU and the angular velocity of the vessel in the vessel state vector? How do we derive the former from the latter?
  • What is the difference between the linear acceleration reported by the IMU and the linear acceleration of the vessel? How do we derive the former from the latter?
  • How do we caluclate the acceleration of the vessel in the BCS?
  • Why did we add the acceleration due to gravity to the linear acceleration reported by the IMU?
  • How do you think we obtained the covariance values for the IMU measurements?
  • Are we adding noise to our measurements?

17.8 Instructor Feedback through Pull Requests

Commit your changes to the remote repository often. This will help you to track your progress and also help you to revert to a working version if you make a mistake. In addition, the instructor and TA will be able to provide you with feedback on your code through the Feeback pull request available in your repository. Please do not close this pull request.